Sunday 1 January 2017

Fried Eggs on Toast

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that give the greatest pleasure.

This morning, it being New Year's Day, I thought I'd treat myself to a proper breakfast of fried eggs on toast.

People often say that eggs laid by your own chickens taste much better than anything you'd get in the shops. You certainly can't get them any fresher, with many of the eggs collected from my chicken loft still being warm after laying. I also get real satisfaction from the fact that my girls have had a happy, healthy and active life. They are pampered pullets, which pay me back with delicious, thick-shelled eggs.

Until recently I didn't realise that most shop bought eggs are at least a week old before they're even put on the shelves. One of the tell tale signs of an old egg is a watery white when you crack it into the frying pan.

Really fresh eggs, like the ones laid by my girls, stand pert in the bottom of the frying pan. The white is more jelly than water, as the proteins are still in perfect condition. The yolks stand proud and bright natural orange.

The trick to frying the perfect egg is to make sure that the oil is hot before you crack the egg into the pan. After a minute or so, tilt the pan and baste the top of the yolk with the pooled hot oil. After only 2 or 3 minutes, depending on personal preference, the egg is done. There is no need to turn the egg over, as doing so risks breaking the yolk.

A quick grind of salt and pepper and there you have it - perfection on toast.

Quick, simple and delicious.

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